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53 mm wooden panel: greater thickness, greater resistance.
Resistance is a distinguishing feature of InvisibleDoor doors. Thanks to the 53mm panel, all models guarantee durability and stability in time.
Preassembled squared frame: it makes for quick and easy installation.
You can install an InvisibleDoor door yourself. In fact, the quality of the door itself and the fact that it comes equipped with a preassembled squared frame will make the operation easier.

Adjustable invisible hinges: impeccable design bearing up to 96 kgs.
Choosing the right hinges is of the utmost importance when installing a door. As the style and functionality of a door can have a huge impact on your home’s design, the quality of its components
Wallpapered Flush-to-the-Wall Doors: 3 Ideas for Your Home.
Have you chosen to enhance your home by purchasing flush-to-the-wall doors? The next step is getting the most out of them to obtain the best design solution.
How to Choose Your Bathroom Door: Some Essential Suggestions.
When furnishing a house, the bathroom is one of the rooms that requires the most careful planning. Privacy and comfort are the priorities governing all of our choices, and even the door will have to
The flush-to-the-wall walk-in wardrobe: furnishing advantages and requirements.
Flush-to-the-wall walk-in wardrobes are a must in contemporary home furnishing. Invisible and the same color as the wall or set off with unique colors and finishes, it combines practicality and minimal design.
Why choose us? All the advantages of InvisibleDoor.
Would you like to purchase a flush-to-the-wall door that combines convenience and functionality? With InvisibleDoor you can choose from a selection of sliding or hinged doors, panels or flush-to-the-wall wardrobes at factory prices without forsaking
How to install a flush-to-the-wall panel.
Do you want to conceal recesses, wiring or meters with a flush-to-the-wall panel? Excellent idea. The special technology of flush-to-the-wall panels makes for total invisibility.
Choosing a flush-to-the-wall door: hinges, handles, and locks.
Elegant and essential, flush-to-the-wall doors will bring class to the design of your home. But how do you choose a flush-to-the-wall door among the many available?